February 24,2025-The Zambia Police Service wishes to update the public on the ongoing investigation and arrests in connection with cases of theft from motor vehicles at Kafue Roundabout.
By February 13, 2025, thirteen (13) suspects were apprehended in connection with these incidents. On February 21, 2025, an identification parade was conducted with six (6) witnesses, who are also victims of crime, present.
Identified and Arrested Suspects
The following six (6) male suspects were positively identified and have been jointly arrested and charged with Theft from Motor VehicleContrary to Section 276 (c) of the Penal Code Act, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia:
1. Joshua Ndeba (38) – Chibolya Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
2. Chrispine Peter Mulenga (40) – House No. 2930, Chawama Compound, Lusaka.
3. NoxKabaso (38) – John Laing, Lusaka (unknown house number).
4. Emmanuel Nsofwa (19) – Misisi Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
5. Charles Lungu (39) – No fixed abode, Lusaka.
6. Noah Kalala (47) – Misisi Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
Identified Witnesses & Victims of Crime
The following six (6) male victims positively identified the suspects and reported their stolen items:
1. Chen Sunsheng (49), Lusaka resident and Chinese national – Had his bag containing assorted documents and K3,000 cash stolen from his Mazda (CAF 6688).
2. IahmebMusaji (21), Lusaka resident – Had his mobile phone valued at K25,700 stolen from his Toyota Allion (ARC 6086).
3. SelishoBwalya (41), Lusaka resident – Had his mobile phone valued at K4,500 stolen from his Toyota Auris (BLB 3744).
4. Bernard Kaluba (67), Lusaka resident – Had his mobile phone valued at K2,460 stolen from his Toyota Corolla (ALK 5681).
5. Lecher Nerbet (23), Lusaka resident – Had his mobile phone valued at K2,200 stolen from his Toyota Mark X (BAJ 7502).
6. Bruce Mofya (36), Lusaka resident – Had his mobile phone valued at K6,000 stolen from his Volvo (CAD 5315).
Recovered Items
During the investigation, the following stolen items were recovered and identified by their rightful owners:
• One (1) mobile phone
• One (1) digital camera
• One (1) electronic calculator
• Assorted vital documents
Suspects Not Identified at the Parade
The following seven (7) male suspects were not identified during the parade. They have since been jointly arrested and charged with one (1) count of Idle and Disorderly Contrary to Section 178 (b) of the Penal CodeAct , Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia:
1. Jeremiah Chama (28) – Linda Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
2. AronChipuma (23) – Kanyama Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
3. Jackson Chisulo (23) – Chaisa Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
4. JosephMisangu – Six Miles, Lusaka (unknown house number).
5. Francis Nkonde (23) – Chibolya Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
6. MutaleChanda (24) – Misisi Compound, Lusaka (unknown house number).
7. Joseph Ngwila (32) – Lilayi area, Lusaka (unknown house number).
Next Steps
• All suspects remain in police custody and will appear in court soon.
• Routine patrols by police officers at Kafue Roundabout will continue to ensure tranquility and prevent further criminal activities.
• The Zambia Police Service remains committed to ensuring public safety and security.
We urge members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the nearest police station.
Rae Hamoonga
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