Calls for the resignation of Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane as Minister of Finance and National Planning have increased.

This comes at the backlog of poor performance of the economy and escalating Cost of Living due to bad policies favoring the Private multinationals in the time the UPND have been in office.
Leader of Opposition Hon Brian Mundubile said the Zambian people have lost confidence in the Minister of Finance.
Hon Mundubile said this is because Dr Musokotwane is incapable of collecting the appropriate taxes from the Mining sector.
He said the country is tired of being blackmailed by the Mining Companies who threaten to leave whenever Government want to collect appropriate taxes.
"DR Musokotwane will do everything possible to ensure that he protects the private capital of these Mining houses. A good investor is one who is ready to pay appropriate taxes and enter into a win win agreement. Comrade Musokotwane has delivered a speech constantly stating that the Mining houses were ready to leave. We call upon Zambians to get ready to run these mining houses. I Have confidence that the University of Zambia has trained quality Mining engineers capable of running mining houses," he said.
And Hon Mundubile said it is a shame that a person of Dr Musokotwane's calibre would be content with misleading the nation regarding the health of the Economy.
He said the next Finance Minister must set up milestones to be achieved by Mining houses before they access these incentives.
He said that is the only sure way thay will either protect the revenue or make Zambia benefit from production in the Mining sector.
He said Zambia does not need leaders who are cowards and scared of the Mining houses who threaten to leave.
He Said this is why he has been giving the Mining Houses Favourable incentives at the expense of the starving Zambians.
"...........He went on to Make Mineral royalty tax deductible...We warned Hon Musokotwane that as a result of these measures he was putting in place, we were going to have a shortage of foreign exchange and lose revenue. We have completely lost confidence in comrade Musokotwane.... As the UPND leave Office in 2026, we need a Minister who will be able to stabilise the economy. The 3 million Metric Tonnes per annum remains a pipeline dream," Hon Mundubile said.
Meanwhile, Feira lawmaker Hon Emmanuel Tembo also called for the resignation of the Finance Minister.
Hon Tembo said when the Minister of Finance speaks, he gives a state of hopelessness to the people.
He said the statement presented in Parliament was empty and not giving confidence to the Zambian people on how the economy will improve.
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